Thursday, January 5, 2017

Magnimar Villa

Mendell Penwright
Manager-Accountant Cost covered by Magnimar holdings.
(LN Human Expert 3rd lvl {Profession:Accoutant, Appraise, K:Local, Linguistics})

A second cousin to Flynn through marriage, Mendell is from a lesser noble house that falls under the Magnimars. He is well past his prime, in his late 50s with a balding pate, and gray eyes hidden behind spectecles . He is blatantly honest when his opinion is asked, and even more honest when dealing with coin. He was more than a little eager to move someplace a little warmer than New Stetven.

Wooster Praiseworthy
Manager-Steward- 60 GP a month. In charge of Magnimar Noble Villa entourage.
(N Human Adept 3rd lvl {Diplomacy, K:Local, K:Nobility, Sense Motive, Perception})

An aged, mustached man from Brevoy, Wooster has spent his entire life serving as a steward to noble families. Learning of a foreign deity brought from the lands of Osirion, early in life, Wooster took an interest in this god which seemed a patron of all that Wooster had been taught in life - to serve, and to protect the household. In time, Wooster's interest grew to faith and devotion, and Bes began to grant the man spells.Wooster serves his master as devoutly as he serves his god.

-Entourage for Magnimar Noble Villa-
1 Bureaucrats (5 people), 1 Driver, 2 Lackeys (10 People {2 Butlers, 3 Maids, 2 Footmen, 1 Herald, 2 Chefs})

The Mage's Armor Mercenary Company
(2 Elite Archers {10 people},  2 Elite Soldiers {10 People},  2 Priests,  1 Manager)
Led by Jay'Dek Moskretteli, a skilled fighter with a penchant for dabbling in the arcane, The Mage's Armor is a well disciplined company with an appreciation for the magical support provided by their financial backer, Magister Magnimar. They provide security for Flynn's villa, and the staff within.

Jay'dek Moskretteli
Human Fighter 3rd (Mutation Warrior/Eldritch Warrior)

Fascinated with the art of Alchemy and potion-making, but lacked the neccesary intellect to pursue true alchemy. During his brief stint as a part time mercenary/adventure, Jay,dek discovered a formula book left behind by a deceased alchemist. After reading through it, Jay,dek began home experimentation. With a few weeks of persistent effort, he managed to create a homebrew mutagen. Having successfully concocted an alchemical brew, he studied further, and in the same experimental fashion, created his own ritual for bonding with a familiar, and figured out how to trick magic items into functioning in his hands. While not able to properly utilize magic, Jay'dek hopes to continue his studies.

When consumed, Jay'dek's skin takes on a slightly metallic sheen to it, and his muscle's bulk up considerably. 

Special Equipment
Nice Carriage
3 Riding Horses (Seldasha,  Bittercup,  Naggy Twinkletoes)

Set of bronze coins from the Thassilonian Era, each stamped with one image of the seven runelords, kept beneath a glass case. (450 GP)

A bronze statue of a clockwork humanoid. (200 GP)

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