The main halls of Gold Pillar Academy
The main thorough-fare of Gold Pillar Academy is the massive open hallway, supported by the namesake golden pillars. Spells keep the halls well lit, dimming in the evenings just slightly. Tables and chairs sit throughout the halls, allowing students to meet for discussions. Opposite the great hall is a bronze statue of an open spellbook, etched onto it's open pages, and glamered to adjust to the reader's native language is the school's mission,
"The purpose of arcane magic should be to improve the mortal condition by providing a defense against those who encroach onto civilization, aiding the worthy who themselves lack the capacity for magic, and improving the overall quality of life for those who seek to cooperate for a better future. Within these erudite halls, no caster shall brook or tolerate the study or use of necromancy, infernism, diablorie, demonism , nor any other form of black magics which exist solely to corrupt and destroy. Magic is to remain pure."
Three levels overlook the main hall with numerous doors leading off to other rooms. The first floor rooms provide rooms for practical applications of magic, primarily places where students can cast spells in relative safety. Second level caters to studying, including libraries, quiet rooms, and two alchemy labs, as well as a room for construction of magical items. The third floor is primarily living quarters, along with an additional library wing, and a kitchen that produces average quality meals.
Gold Pillar has a heavy focus on evocation magic. Necromancy is forbidden from being studied or taught.
Kothac, the Sculpted Sage
This creature has the body and head of a wolf, but is the size of a large mastiff, with what looks like blue and silver fur that appears as if it was crafted from stone. It's wings are made of white feathers, and look downy soft. It's limbs are dulled claws with reptilian like scales, the front ones appearing a bit more like hands. It smiles impossibly wide, showing that it's jaws are lined with metal fangs, more akin to a bear trap than teeth.
Kothac, the Sculpted Sage
Snapjaw Homunculi
Medium Construct
HP:15D10+20 HP (95 HP)
Str:10 Int:13
Dex:17 Wis:12
Con:- Cha:7
A.C. 17 (+3 Dex, +3 Nat, +1 Dodge)
B.A.B. +11
Speed: 30 ft, 50 fly
Bite (+15/+11/+6) 2D6+Poison (DC 25, Freq.1 Minute/60 Minutes, effect:Sleep for 1 Minute, cure 1 save.) +1 Acid damage (DC 15 save or nauseated for 1 round) /x3
Breath Weapon - 15 ft. cone 5D6 Acid, Ref. DC 15 for half.
Saves (Poor)
Spellcraft 7 (+8)
Perception 6 (+11)
K:Arcana 5 (+8)
K:Local 5 (+8)
K:Nobility 5(+8)
K:Engineering 5 (+8)
K: History 5 (+8)
Fly 3 (+6)
- Combat Advice - As a move action, you can offer useful advice to an ally engaged in combat at just the right moment. Designate an enemy; your ally gains a +2 competence bonus on her next attack roll against that enemy. For your ally to benefit from this feat, you must be able to clearly see your ally and the designated enemy, and your ally must be able to hear you.
- Scholar x2 - For known Knowledge skills.
- Dodge- +1 Dodge bonus to AC
- Lightning Reflexes- +2 to Reflex saves.
- Noxious Bite- Your bite attack deals 1 point of acid damage in addition to its normal damage. Living creatures you bite must make a Fortitude save (DC equal your breath weapon‘s DC) or be nauseated for a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round).
Special QualitiesVoice-Unlike most homunculi, this construct has a audible voice.
Telepathic Link-This homunculi has a telepathic link with it's creator, that works within 1,500 feet.
Extra Eyes - The homunculi has an extra set of well hidden eyes, granting it +4 on Perception checks and the all around vision special quality.
Potion-Infused Spell-Like Ability: Invisibility, usable 1x/daily, 11 minutes.
Dislocating Jaw-A snapjaw homunculus’s jaws can open very wide, giving its bite attack a ×3 critical multiplier.
Cost to create:
A snapjaw homunculus is a 3 HD improved familiar, with a base cost of 1,575 GP with a Craft (Sculpting) DC of 14.
Adding 8 HD to it costs 2,000 GP per HD, or 16,000 GP total. This does not effectt the craft DC.
-This grants it 4 total additional feats, additional skill points, and 2 ability points, and allows the creature to be created up to medium size, pending DM approval.
The Extra Eyes feature adds 4,000 GP to the crafting price, and increases the Craft check by 4.
The Acid Breath and Voice quality combined add 2,000 GP to the crafting price, and increases the Craft check by 2.
The Potion-Infused Spell-Like Ability quality adds 3,000 GP to the crafting price, and increases the craft check by 3.
The Tough Hide (+3) quality adds 9,000 GP to the crafting price and increases the check by 9.
A snapjaw homunculus is a 3 HD improved familiar, with a base cost of 1,575 GP with a Craft (Sculpting) DC of 14.
Adding 8 HD to it costs 2,000 GP per HD, or 16,000 GP total. This does not effectt the craft DC.
-This grants it 4 total additional feats, additional skill points, and 2 ability points, and allows the creature to be created up to medium size, pending DM approval.
The Extra Eyes feature adds 4,000 GP to the crafting price, and increases the Craft check by 4.
The Acid Breath and Voice quality combined add 2,000 GP to the crafting price, and increases the Craft check by 2.
The Potion-Infused Spell-Like Ability quality adds 3,000 GP to the crafting price, and increases the craft check by 3.
The Tough Hide (+3) quality adds 9,000 GP to the crafting price and increases the check by 9.
Total Cost:43,050 Craft Check:34
Steward and Sage of Gold Pillar Academy, Kothac is an unbound homunculi who sees to the day to day operations of Gold Pillar. Tolerant to a point, he does not suffer a fool, and is quick with a harsh rebuke for anyone in Gold Pillar who takes actions that would endanger themselves, others or Gold Pillar property. He is a capable combatant if neccesary, but follows Flynn's orders to not risk his life in defense of the school.
Kothac is assisted by 8 homunculi, nicknamed The Fixits, small roughly humanoid constructs with layers of fur added over their clay-like skin, their eyes are wide and bright, and they have oversized membraneous ears. These are standard homunculi with ranks in Spellcraft, 2 extra HD, the voice quality, and Make Whole, usable as a spell-like ability, once per day. They help repair any damage to Gold Pillar caused by careless students.
Steward and Sage of Gold Pillar Academy, Kothac is an unbound homunculi who sees to the day to day operations of Gold Pillar. Tolerant to a point, he does not suffer a fool, and is quick with a harsh rebuke for anyone in Gold Pillar who takes actions that would endanger themselves, others or Gold Pillar property. He is a capable combatant if neccesary, but follows Flynn's orders to not risk his life in defense of the school.
Kothac is assisted by 8 homunculi, nicknamed The Fixits, small roughly humanoid constructs with layers of fur added over their clay-like skin, their eyes are wide and bright, and they have oversized membraneous ears. These are standard homunculi with ranks in Spellcraft, 2 extra HD, the voice quality, and Make Whole, usable as a spell-like ability, once per day. They help repair any damage to Gold Pillar caused by careless students.
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